Tuesday, May 10, 2005


a couple of years ago i was talking with a young man about the profession i tend to be lumped and lump myself into. during this conversatiion, i gleaned a piece of wisdom that has traveled with my since. he said, "you can tell where a person's priorities are by looking at that person's check book." wow. that can be haunting.

read this snipette below... and tell me how haunting the above statement is now.

A 2001 Barna Research Group poll commissioned by World Vision revealed that evangelical Christians are significantly less likely than are non-Christians to give money for AIDS education and prevention programs worldwide. Only 3 percent of evangelicals say they plan to help with AIDS internationally, compared with 8 percent of non-Christians and 8 percent of self-described born-again Christians. Evangelicals were also the least likely to support children orphaned by AIDS.

what's wrong with this picture??? this is ugly.

i guess someone somewhere isn't retelling the proper message.


Blogger Leif said...

Thought-provoking "snippette".

I'm curious what you meant at the end when you said, "i guess someone somewhere isn't retelling the proper message."

I have an sneaking suspicion that many people for a very long time have failed to retell the proper message.

I also think you can do a lot more with your actions than you can with your checkbook... especially if you're in college.

7:17 PM  

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